Machine Learning Tutorial for Beginners in Python
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
1# Import Announcement related to Machine Learning.
2 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : Installation & Setup of Python 3.7 and Juypyter Notebook.
3 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : Introduction to Python | 2018.
5 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : Variables in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
6 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : String Formatting in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
7 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : Control Flow & Indentation in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
8 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : Functions in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
4 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : Input() Function & Escape Characters | 2018.
9 . [Hindi]Machine Learning : Modules in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
10. [Hindi]Machine Learning : If, Else, Elif in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
11. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Break & Continue in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
12. [Hindi]Machine Learning : For loop in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
13. [Hindi]Machine Learning : While loop in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
14. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Lists in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
15. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Iterators in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
16. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Dictionaries in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
17. [Hindi]Machine Learning : How to install Numpy in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
18. [Hindi]Machine Learning : How to install Numpy Functions in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
19. [Hindi]Machine Learning : How to install Matplotlib in Python | 2018 |Python 3.
20. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Line Plot in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
21. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Subplot Plot in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
22. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Bar Plot in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
23. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Histogram Plot in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
24. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Scatter Plot in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
25. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Pie Chart in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
26. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Plot Merging in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
27. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Plot Data from CSV & Text Files using Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
28. [Hindi]Machine Learning : How to Install Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
29. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Live Plot in Matplotlib | 2018 |Python 3.
30. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Series Object in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
31. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Attributes in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
32. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Methods,Parameters & Arguments in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
33. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Read CSV File using Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
34. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Sort_Values & Inplace in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
35. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Sort_index() in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
36. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Extract Values by Index Position in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
37. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Extract Values by Index Label in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
38. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .get() Method in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
39. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Math Methods in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
40. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .idxmax(), .idxmin() Methods in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
41. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .value_counts Methods in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
42. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .apply() Methods in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
43. [Hindi]Machine Learning : DataFrames in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
44. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Shared Methods & Column Access in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
45. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Add New Column to Dataframe in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
46. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Broadcasting Operations in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
47. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Drop Rows with Null Values in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
48. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .fillna() Method for Null Values in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
49. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .sort_values() in Dataframes Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
50. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .sort_values() for Multiple Columns in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
51. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Rank Method in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
52. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Filtering Dataframe in Pandas | 2018 |Python 3.
53. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Filtering a Dataframe Based on a Condition| 2018 |Python 3.
54. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Filter Dataframe with AND & OR Operators| 2018 |Python 3.
55. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .isin() Method in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
56. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .isnull() & .notnull() Method in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
57. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .between() Method in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
58. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .Duplicated() Method in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
59. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .drop_duplicates() Method in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
Discussion Related To Machine Learning Tutorial Series.
60. [Hindi]Machine Learning : .set_index & .reset_index() in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
61. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Retrieve Row Values Using loc in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
62. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Retrieve Row Values Using iloc in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
63. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Retrieve Row Values Using ix in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
64. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Second Argument ofloc, iloc, ix in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
65. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Set New Values for a Specific Cell or Row in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
66. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Set Multiple Values in DataFrame in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
67. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Rename Index Labels or Columns in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
72. [Hindi]Machine Learning : The .query() Methods in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
68. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Delete Rows or Columns in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
69. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Create Random Sample with the .sample() in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
70. [Hindi]Machine Learning : The .nsmallest() and .nlargest() Methods in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
71. [Hindi]Machine Learning : The .where() Methods in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
73. [Hindi]Machine Learning : The .apply() Methods in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
74. [Hindi]Machine Learning : The .apply() Method with Row Values in Pandas| 2018 |Python 3.
75. [Hindi]Machine Learning : How to install Sklearn Module| 2019 |Python 3.
We Had Enough !!!!!!!!!!!!! for Knowledge Shelf Family.
Why Machine Learning videos are not Coming these days ? 2019.
Machine Learning Tutorial Related Announcment.
76. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Types of Machine Learning Algorithms | 2019 |Python 3.
77. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Simple Linear Regression Part-1 | 2019 |Python 3.
78. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Ordinary Least Squares | 2019 |Python 3.
79. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Python Coding Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
80. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Regression Line Piloting Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
81. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Equation Results Verification Part - 3 | 2019 |Python 3.
82. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Multiple Linear Regression Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
83. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Multiple Linear Regression Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
84. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Multiple Linear Regression Part - 3 | 2019 |Python 3.
85. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Multiple Linear Regression Part - 4 | 2019 |Python 3.
87. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Backward Elimination Coding Part - 6 | 2019 |Python 3.
86. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Backward Elimination Part - 5 | 2019 |Python 3.
88. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Backward Elimination Coding Part - 7 | 2019 |Python 3.
89. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Polynomial Linear Regression Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
90. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Polynomial Linear Regression Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
91. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Polynomial Linear Regression Part - 3 | 2019 |Python 3.
92. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Decision Tree Algorithm Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
93. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Decision Tree Algorithm Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
94. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Random Forest Algorithm Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
95. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Random Forest Algorithm Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
96. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Logistic Regression Algorithm Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
97. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Logistic Regression Algorithm Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
98. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Logistic Regression Algorithm Part - 3 | 2019 |Python 3.
99. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Logistic Regression Algorithm Part - 4 | 2019 |Python 3.
100. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Logistic Regression Algorithm Part - 5 | 2019 |Python 3.
101. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Logistic Regression Algorithm Part - 6 | 2019 |Python 3.
102. [Hindi]Machine Learning : KNN Algorithm Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
107. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Support Vector Machine(SVM) Algorithm Part - 1 | 2019 |Python 3.
103. [Hindi]Machine Learning : KNN Algorithm Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
104. [Hindi]Machine Learning : KNN Algorithm Part - 3 | 2019 |Python 3.
105. [Hindi]Machine Learning : KNN Algorithm Part - 4 | 2019 |Python 3.
106. [Hindi]Machine Learning : KNN Algorithm Part - 5 | 2019 |Python 3.
108. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Support Vector Machine(SVM) Algorithm Part - 2 | 2019 |Python 3.
109. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Support Vector Machine(SVM) Algorithm Part - 3 | 2019 |Python 3.
110. [Hindi]Machine Learning : Support Vector Machine(SVM) Algorithm Part - 4 | 2019 |Python 3.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 00 - Announcement and Software Installation | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 01 - What is Neural Networks ? | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 02 - Activation Function, Cost Function, | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 03 - Basic Fundamentals & Syntax | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 04 - Tensorflow Graphs | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 05 - Variables & Placeholders | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 06 - First Perceptron | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 07 - First Neural Network | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 08 - Simple Regression Example | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 09 - Regression Part-1 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 10 - Regression Part-2 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 11 - Regression Part-3 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 12 - Regression Part-4 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 13 - Classification Part-1 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 14 - Classification Part-2 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 15 - Classification Part-3 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 16 - Classification Part-4 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 17 - Classification Part-5 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 18 - Classification Part-6 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 19 - Classification Part-7 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 20 - House Price Pred. Regression Part-1 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 21 - House Price Pred. Regression Part-2 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 22 - House Price Pred. Regression Part-3 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 23 - Salary Slab Classification Part-1 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 24 - Salary Slab Classification Part-2 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 25 - Salary Slab Classification Part-3 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 26 - MNIST Dataset Introduction | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 27 - MNIST Basic Approach Part-1 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 28 - MNIST Basic Approach Part-2 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 29 - MNIST Basic Approach Part-3 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 30 - MNIST with CNN Part-1 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Tensorflow Tutorial 31 - MNIST with CNN Part-2 | Python | Tensorflow | 2019.
[Hindi]Final Video of Machine Learning Tutorial Series | Python | Tensorflow | ML | 2019.
Taught by
Knowledge Shelf
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