Google Bard Full Demo - Can It Create a Business & Marketing Strategy?
Offered By: Scott Redgate via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the potential of Google Bard in creating a comprehensive business and marketing strategy for a fictitious shoe-selling company in this 43-minute video tutorial. Follow along as the presenter guides you through challenging questions on branding, website design, and marketing strategies. Learn how to leverage Google Bard's capabilities to generate business names, identify target audiences, create website content, develop online marketing plans, implement SEO strategies, set up PPC campaigns, and craft email marketing approaches. Gain valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of Google Bard compared to other AI tools like ChatGPT and Jasper, and discover how to effectively utilize this technology to enhance your business planning and marketing efforts.
Business Name
Target Audience
Website Creation
Online Marketing
Email Marketing
Taught by
Scott Redgate
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