General Astronomy - Geology of the Terrestrial Planets
Offered By: Spahn's Science Lectures via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating geology of terrestrial planets in this 38-minute lecture from Spahn's Science Lectures. Delve into plate tectonics, lunar earthquakes, and the Moon's interior structure. Examine the collisional ejection theory and compare the geological features of Mercury, Mars, and Venus. Discover the evidence of water on Mars, including river deltas and recurring slopes. Learn about volcanic activity, tectonic processes, and erosion patterns on different planets. Gain insights into the findings of Mars rovers Opportunity and Spirit, and understand the significance of liquid water in planetary geology. Analyze the unique geological characteristics of Venus, including its volcanism, tectonics, and erosion processes.
Plate Tectonics
Moon Earthquakes
Moon Interior
Collisional ejection theory
River Delta
Opportunity Spirit
Liquid Water
Recurring Slopes
Animated GIF
Venus Volcanism
Venus Tectonics
Venus Erosion
Taught by
Spahn's Science Lectures
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