Indirect Detection of Dark Matter - Class 2

Offered By: ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube


Dark Matter Courses Astrophysics Courses Particle Physics Courses Cosmic Rays Courses Galactic Center Courses Cherenkov Telescope Array Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricacies of indirect dark matter detection in this comprehensive lecture from the Latin-American School on CTA Science. Delve into advanced concepts presented by Gabrijela Zaharijas from the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, as part of her series on the Introduction to Dark Matter. Gain valuable insights into the latest research and methodologies used in the quest to understand one of the universe's most enigmatic components. Expand your knowledge of astrophysics and particle physics through this in-depth, hour-long presentation that builds upon the foundations laid in the first class of the series.


Gabrijela Zaharijas: Indirect detection of Dark Matter - Class 2

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