Neutrinos, AGNs and Gamma-rays - Class 3

Offered By: ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube


Neutrinos Courses Astrophysics Courses Active Galactic Nuclei Courses Cosmic Rays Courses Astroparticle Physics Courses Multi-messenger Astronomy Courses Cherenkov Telescope Array Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating world of neutrinos, active galactic nuclei (AGNs), and gamma-rays in this comprehensive lecture from the Latin-American School on CTA Science. Delve into the anatomy of relativistic astrophysical sources and discover how astroparticle physics connects the puzzle pieces. Learn about neutrinos as probes of deeper horizons and denser environments, and understand their role in the multi-messenger context. Examine the principles of km³ detectors and the future global network of neutrino observatories. Investigate high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, including PeV neutrinos and their connection to Fermi Blazars. Analyze neutrino point sources, time-dependent searches, and high-energy neutrino counterparts, with a focus on the IceCube 170922A-TXS 0506+056 event. Explore the energetics of spectral energy distributions and the multi-messenger view of NGC 1068. Discover how the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) can contribute to neutrino studies and gain insights into the most promising results in blazar-neutrino cross-matching using virtual observatory data tools.


Anatomy of a relativistic astrophysical source
Connecting the puzzle
Astroparticle Physics
Neutrinos: probe of deeper horizon, denser environments
The MM context of neutrinos
Astrophysics with TeV neutrinos
km³ detectors
The next Generation
Future global network of neutrino observatories
Detection Principle
IceCube Point source sensitivity
Phenomenology : Neutrinos
High-energy Astrophysical neutrinos
PeV neutrinos and Fermi Blazars
Neutrino point sources?
Hotspot in the Northern sky
Current hottest spot
Beware of opaque EM sources!
Time-dependent searches
High-energy neutrino counterparts
IceCube 170922A-TXS 0506+056
Energetics of the SED
MM view of NGC 1068
How can CTA contribute?
A closer look at the neutrino sky
Virtual Observatory Data Tools
Most promising results in blazar- neutrino cross-match

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