Future of College Sports - Reimagining Athlete Pay

Offered By: The Aspen Institute via YouTube


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Explore the complex landscape of college athletics in this thought-provoking panel discussion on reimagining athlete compensation. Delve into the multibillion-dollar industry where commercialized sports intersect with higher education, examining the ongoing FBI investigation involving payoffs to NCAA men's basketball players. Consider the potential implications of adopting the Olympic model, allowing college athletes to receive outside sponsorship money for their name, image, and likeness. Analyze the impact on athlete pay, educational achievement, competitive balance, NCAA governance, women's sports, high school/youth sports, and fan interest. Join the Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program for an in-depth conversation moderated by Jon Solomon, exploring what college sports might look like with a new approach to athlete compensation.


Future of College Sports: Reimagining Athlete Pay

Taught by

The Aspen Institute

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