Future of College Sports - Special Admissions and Athlete Recruitment

Offered By: The Aspen Institute via YouTube


Higher Education Courses Youth Sports Courses College Athletics Courses

Course Description


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Explore the complex issue of special admissions for recruited athletes in college sports through this comprehensive panel discussion. Delve into the societal implications of preferential treatment for athletes, examining their contributions to campus life and the impact on youth sports. Analyze the chances of preserving special admissions for athletes in light of recent changes to race-based preferences in college admissions. Hear from experts in academia, sports policy, and athlete advocacy as they discuss the fairness, ethics, and future of athlete recruitment in higher education. Gain insights into the racial and socioeconomic disparities in college sports recruitment, the economic factors influencing youth sports, and the potential reforms to create a more equitable admissions process for student-athletes.


Future of College Sports: Special Admissions

Taught by

The Aspen Institute

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