Flat Bands in Twisted Bilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Manish Jain

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Quantum Matter Courses Electronic Structure Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of flat bands in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides in this 40-minute conference talk by Manish Jain from the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into the motivation behind studying these materials, understand Moiré patterns in twisted bilayer MoS2, and learn about the multiscale computational approach used. Examine various stacking configurations, interlayer spacings, and in-plane displacements in different twist angles. Investigate the order-parameter distribution, strain effects, and electronic structure of these systems. Discover the origins of localization in different Moiré superlattices and how hybridization between layers affects band structure. Gain insights into the density of states for twisted Moiré patterns and their implications. The talk concludes with a summary of findings and a Q&A session, providing a comprehensive overview of this cutting-edge research in quantum matter physics.


Flat bands in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides
Moire patterns in twisted bilayer MoS2 tBLM
Computational Details - Multiscale approach
Stacking in BLM
3.5 degree twist angle, M3.5
56.5 degree twist angle, M56.5
Interlayer spacings ILS in the Moire
In-plane displacements, M56.5
Order-parameter distribution
Interlayer spacing and strain distribution
Shear-strain soliton
Electronic structure
Localisation, 2.65 degree MSL
Electronic structure of individual stacking
Hybridization between layers
Confining Potential
Inhomogeneous hybridization in moire
Evolution of band structure near 0 degree
58 degree MSL
58 degree MSL: origin of localisation
Effect of strains, 57.35 degree MSL
Density of states for twisted Moire patterns

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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