Interpolation Between Random Matrices and Free Operators, and Applications

Offered By: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques via YouTube


Mathematical Physics Courses Interpolation Courses Entropy Courses Probability Theory Courses Quantum Channels Courses Operator Theory Courses

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Explore a conference talk on interpolation between random matrices and free operators, delivered by Félix Parraud at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques in Marseille, France. Delve into this 44-minute presentation, recorded during the thematic meeting "Random quantum channels: entanglement and entropies" on July 8, 2024. Access the video through CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library, which offers enhanced features such as chapter markers, keywords, abstracts, bibliographies, and Mathematics Subject Classification. Utilize the multi-criteria search function to find related content by author, title, tags, or mathematical area. Gain insights into the applications of this mathematical concept and benefit from the expertise of a worldwide mathematician in this field.


Félix Parraud : Interpolation between random matrices and free operators, and application to...

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Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques

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