Ethology - Animal Behaviour and Neurophysiology
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
1-Ethology(Animal Behaviour)as a Branch of Biology|||CSIR- NET|Zoology|LifeScience|Behaviour
2-Ethology(Animal Behaviour)as Branch of Biology|Branches of Ethology|History|Scope| Questions|
1)Ethology-Perception of the environment|Introduction|define|Sensory Receptors|Mechanical Electrical
2)Ethology-Perception of the environment|Visual Perception|Vision|||NET|Notes Explanation
3)Ethology- Perception of the environment|Auditory perception| Animal behaviour|Hearing
4)Ethology- Perception of the environment|Olfactory and Chemical perception| Animal behaviour|
5)Ethology- Perception of the environment|Electrical Perception|Electromagnetic senses| NET|
6)Ethology- Perception of the environment|Mechanical perception | Animal behaviour|
7)Ethology- Perception of the environment|Thermal perception | Animal behaviour|
8)Ethology- Perception of the environment|Gravity perception | Animal behaviour|
Ethology|Perception of the environment|Mechanical, Electrical,Chemical,Olfactory,Auditory,Visual ENG
Hormonal control of Behaviour|Ethoendocrinology|Behavioral Endocrinology|Ethology||Neural contro
1/3)Neural control of Behaviour|Neuroethology|Nervous system|Neural and hormonal control of behavior
2/3)Neural control of Behaviour|Human brain and Behaviour|neural and hormonal control of behavior
3/3)Neural control of Behaviour|Neuroethology|Nervous systemNeural and hormonal control of Behaviour
1/4)Ethogenetics|Genetic and Environmental components in development of behavior #Ethology| NET
2/4)Ethogenetics|Genetic and Environmental components in development of behavior #Ethology| NET
3/4)Ethogenetics|Genetic and Environmental components in development of behavior #Ethology| NET
4/4)Ethogenetics|Role of Genes and environment in development of behavior #Ethology| NET
Role of Hormones in Behavior|Ethoendocrinology|Ethology||Zoology |English
1)Pheromones and other Semichemicals as means of Communication among Animals|B.Sc M.Sc Zoology Notes
2)Pheromones-Structure of pheromones|| Classification of Pheromones|| Mechanism of Pheromones|| M.Sc
3)Pheromones-Types of Pheromones|Pheromones as means of communication among animals |M.Sc Zoology
1)Introduction and Occurrence, For NEET 11th 12th NET zoology students
2)Chemical nature of Bioluminescence
3)Mechanism of Luminescence in Bacteria For Neet zoology
4)Mechanism of luminescence in Fire Fly For Neet 11th 12th zoology Studen
5)Functions of Bioluminescence
✔️ Bioluminescence| Full explanation| Single shot video| Colourful Diagrams|Flowcharts
Part-1/2:Bioluminescence-Introduction||Definition||Types||Distribution||In English neet
Part-2/2:Bioluminescence-Mechanism of Light Production|Control of Bioluminescence| Significance|Ques
Types/Patterns of behavior- Innate/Stereotyped Behavior & Learnt Behavior|Ethology|B.Sc M.Sc Zoology
Kinesis (Orientation) -Types of Kinesis: Klinokinesis & Orthokinesis|Ethology Kinesis/Taxis/Trophism
Taxis (Orientation) -Types of Taxes: Tropotaxis,Klinotaxis,Telotaxis, Menotaxis, Mnemotaxis Innate B
Reflexes -Simple Reflexes: Types of Reflex action ,Reflex arc, Inhibition of Reflexes action (M.Sc)
Reflex and Complex Behavior-Latency, Summation, Inhibition, Warm-up/Facilitation, Feedback control
Motivation (Innate behavior) -Patterns of Behavior, Concept of Drives||Ethology| M.Sc B.Sc Zoology
Part-1 Motivation- Drive, Physiological basis of Motivation || Hormones & Motivation||Aggregation
1)Learning and Memory|Learned Behaviour|Types of learning|Habituation|Imprinting|Conditioned Reflex|
2)Learned Behaviour|Types of learning|Trial and error|Latent learning|Insight learning|Reasoning MSc
Part-1 Ecological aspects of Behaviour|Habitat selection|Behavioural Ecology|Ethology| CSIR-NET
Part-2 Ecological aspects of Behaviour|Optimal foraging Theory/Food selection|Ethology| CSIR-NET
Part-3 Ecological aspects of Behaviour|Aggression/Aggressive behaviour|Ethology| CSIR-NET
Part-4 Ecological aspects of Behaviour|Home Range|Individual Distance|Ethology| CSIR-NET
Part-5 Ecological aspects of Behaviour|Territoriality|Territorial Behaviour|Ethology| CSIR-NET
Part-6 Ecological aspects of Behaviour|Dispersal|Ethology| CSIR-NET
Part-7 Ecological aspects of Behaviour|Host-Parasite Relationship and Conclusion|| • Last Video
Animal Communication-Chemical, Visual, Light and Audio||Ethology|Animal Behaviour|One-Shot
Part-1:Chronobiology|Biological Rhythms|History, Examples of Biorhythm, Biorhytms work independently
Part-2:Exogenous Rhythm Vs Endogenous Rhythm|Jet lag and Medicines Chronobiology|Biological Rhythms|
Part-3: Biological Clock|Origin And Evolution of Biological Clock|Chronobiology|Biological Rhythms|
Part-4:Biological Rhythms|Biological Clock in Animal World•Arthropoda•Silk worm •Pupa of Butterfly
Part-5:Biological Rhythms|Biological Clock in Animal World•Cockroaches • •B.Sc students
Part-6:Biological Rhythms|Structure of Biological Clock in Vertebrates •Ft.Mindsmine Tutorials
Part-7 Biological Rhythms| Rhythms gene |Mindsmine Tutorials |Chronobiology Neurophysiology Ethology
Part-8 Light as Synchronizer of Biological clock |Chronobiology Neurophysiology Ethology
Part-9 Types of Biological clock|Epicycles,Tidal,Lunar,Circadian,Circannual,Intermittent Ethology
Part-10: Epicycles & Circadian rhythm explanation| M.Sc B.Sc Chronobiology|Neurophysiology|ethology
4 Approaches of Animal Behaviour |Causes of Behaviour :- Proximate Cause & Ultimate Cause | Ethology
1) Reproductive Behaviour |Pre- Courtship behavior : Mate finding & Persuasion| Ethology|M.Sc net
2) Reproductive Behaviour | Courtship behavior : Introduction and Functions of Courtship| Ethology
3) Reproductive Behaviour | Courtship behavior : Territoriality and Courtship|Evolution of Courtship
4)Reproductive Behaviour |Charecteristics of Courtship|Synchronisation of Courtship|Species specific
5) Reproductive Behaviour |Brood Care and Courtship| A Positive Correlation | Courtship | Ethology
6) Courtship behaviour in Animal world-Scorpion, Spider & Dragon fly or damsel Ethology M.Sc zoology
7) Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Fishes, (3 Spined Stickle back fish, Jewel fish & Tilapia)
8) Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Fishes, (Guppy fishes & Siamese Fighting Fishes)
9) Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Birds (Peacock & Peahen) Ethology M.Sc Zoology explanation
10) Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Birds (Bower Birds) Ethology M.Sc Zoology explanation
11) Courtship behaviour in Albatross,Great crested Grebes, Weaver birds, Nightingale & Chaffinches
12) Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Mammals (Red Deer) Ethology M.Sc Zoology explanation notes
13) Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Mammals (Uganda Kob, Non Human Primates) Ethology Zoology
14) Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Mammals (Monkeys) Ethology Zoology M.Sc B.Sc notes
15) Last -Courtship behaviour in Animal world- Mammals (Apes) Ethology Zoology M.Sc B.Sc notes
Part-1 Evolution of Reproductive behavior & Reproductive stragies,Reproductive system
Part-2 External Fertilization-Evolution of Reproductive behavior & Reproductive stragies Ethology
Part-3 Internal Fertilization-Evolution of Reproductive behavior & Reproductive strategies Ethology
Part-4 Natural selection -Evolution of Reproductive behavior & Reproductive strategies M.Sc zoology
Part-5 Lek display in Birds & Mammals-Evolution of Reproductive behavior & Reproductive strategies
Part-6 Sperm competition-Evolution of Reproductive behavior & Reproductive strategies
Part-7 (Last part) Role of hormones in reproductive behavior-Evolution of Reproductive behavior
Social Behavior-Schooling in Fishes/Fish School, Aggregations|Sociobiology| Ethology M.Sc B.Sc Pt-1
Part-1 Parental care- Introduction|Reproductive behavior ethology|M.Sc B.Sc CSIR-NET zoology notes
Part-2 Types of Parental care|Role of Male & Female in parental care|Cost of Parenting|M.Sc B.Sc
Part-3 Brood care in Invertebrates|M.Sc B.Sc Zoology|Ethology|CSIR-NET life science|Reproductive beh
lec-1 Migration in Fishes (Salmon & Hilsa)||Migration in Animals- Introduction| M.Sc B.Sc Ethology
L-1 Biological Clock in plants -Intro ,Circadian Rhythm, Regulation of daytime & Evening Genes plant
L-2 Biological Clock -Tidal,Lunar, Annual,Ultradian Rhytm |Theories of Biological Clock,Significance
Taught by
Mindsmine tutorials - Maryam Khilji
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