The Space of Holographic CFTs - Lecture 4: Bootstrapping the Space of Holographic CFTs
Offered By: IPhT-TV via YouTube
Course Description
Delve into the fourth lecture of a comprehensive series on holographic conformal field theories (CFTs) and their connection to the AdS/CFT correspondence. Explore the concept of bootstrapping the space of holographic CFTs, examining how this technique constrains and classifies consistent large N CFTs and theories of quantum gravity. Investigate the relationship between CFTs and emergent gravity descriptions, and consider the implications of quantum gravity for strongly coupled CFTs. Learn about the conformal bootstrap method and its applications in understanding the wide world of large N conformal field theory across various spacetime dimensions. Gain insights into the potential role of string theory and the detection of extra dimensions through field theory properties. This two-hour lecture, part of a broader course, offers a modern perspective on the intersection of conformal field theory, the AdS/CFT correspondence, and quantum gravity.
Eric Perlmutter (2023) - The space of holographic CFTs (4/5)
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