A Robotic Platform for Natural and Effective Human-Robot Interaction

Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube


EuroPython Courses Artificial Intelligence Courses Python Courses Finite State Machine Courses Human-Robot Interaction Courses Gesture Recognition Courses Speech Recognition Courses

Course Description


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Explore a robotic platform designed for natural and effective human-robot interaction in this 45-minute talk from EuroPython 2017. Delve into the application of artificial intelligence techniques in humanoid robotics, focusing on interaction through speech, gestures, and facial expressions. Learn about the Python-based system built on the Robotic Operating System (ROS), including hardware and software configurations of the NAO-based humanoid platform. Discover the use of high-level Python libraries for spoken language processing, sentiment analysis, vision, and AI interfacing. Understand the system's architecture based on finite state machines and ROS communication layers. Examine potential applications in entertainment, education, field robotics, home companionship, hospitality, and Robot Assisted Therapy (RAT). Gain insights into the platform's current status, challenges, and future developments, concluding with a live NAO-based demonstration showcasing speech recognition and other capabilities.


Main goals
How was it achieved
Main architecture
Main benefits
Where to use it
Side State Machines
The Brain
Future steps
Speech recognition
Dummy Lamberto

Taught by

EuroPython Conference

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