Docker and Running Your Self-Hosted Applications in a More Secure Way Behind a Reverse Proxy

Offered By: Awesome Open Source via YouTube


Docker Courses Network Security Courses Container Management Courses Reverse Proxies Courses Nginx Proxy Manager Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to enhance the security of self-hosted applications using Docker and a reverse proxy in this 24-minute tutorial. Explore the process of setting up a Docker environment, installing NGinX Proxy Manager, and configuring container networks. Discover techniques for attaching containers to custom networks, adding proxy hosts by container name, and testing the proxy setup. Gain valuable insights into improving the security and management of your Docker-based applications through practical demonstrations and step-by-step instructions.


Thank you to my Patrons at Patreon
Prepping our Docker Setup
Install NGinX Proxy Manager
Test our NGinX Proxy Manager Page
Looking at our Docker Networks
Create a new Docker Network
Attach Containers to our new Network
Attach Container to our Network with Portainer
Add a new Proxy Host by Container Name
Test our Container Proxy
Review what we did

Taught by

Awesome Open Source

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