Divi Theme Review for WordPress - Divi Theme Builder Demo

Offered By: Wade McMaster via YouTube


Divi Theme Courses Web Design Courses WordPress Courses Visual Design Courses

Course Description


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Explore the powerful features of the Divi Theme for WordPress in this comprehensive 46-minute video review. Learn how to easily build stunning websites as the presenter, who has created nearly 100 sites using Divi, guides you through installation, customization, and advanced design techniques. Discover how to change logos, customize typography, explore theme options, and utilize the Divi Builder with pre-made layouts. Get hands-on experience starting a page from scratch, adjusting spacing and colors, and leveraging additional Divi bonuses. By the end of this tutorial, gain the knowledge to create professional-looking websites in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods.


• Intro & Examples:
• Installation:
• Change the logo:
• Customize Theme Typography, Header & Template:
• Exploring the Them Options:
• Using the Builder includes below:
• Exploring Premade Layouts
• Playing with spacing, color & Design Options:
• Starting a Page from Scratch:
• Other Bonuses that come with Divi:
• Try for Free: link below

Taught by

Wade McMaster

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