Discover Your 'And' - Embracing Multiple Passions

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


Personal Development Courses Passion Courses Stereotypes Courses Self-Discovery Courses Dungeons & Dragons Courses

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Watch a 19-minute TEDx talk by Johnny Stanton IV, a professional football player and Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast, as he explores the concept of embracing multiple passions and breaking down societal binaries. Learn how Stanton reconciled his seemingly conflicting interests in sports and tabletop role-playing games, discovering strength in the intersection of his pursuits. Gain insights into overcoming the pressure to conform to a single identity and instead finding empowerment through embracing diverse interests. Explore Stanton's journey as he navigates the "jock" and "nerd" stereotypes, ultimately leading to his career as a table-top RPG writer and co-owner of game publisher Crimson Herald Games. Understand how embracing one's multifaceted nature can lead to personal growth and the ability to advocate for important causes, such as uplifting LGBTQ+ athletes in professional and collegiate sports.


Discover Your ‘And’ | Johnny Stanton IV | TEDxBinghamtonUniversity

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