Could CBD Help Opioid Users Overcome Addiction?

Offered By: TED via YouTube


TEDMED Courses Neuroscience Courses Clinical Trials Courses Opioid Addiction Courses

Course Description


Explore the potential of CBD as a treatment for opioid addiction in this 13-minute TED talk. Delve into the research of CBD Scientist Yasmin Hurd, who investigates Cannabidiol (CBD) as a non-addictive solution to the opioid epidemic plaguing modern America. Learn about the scientific basis behind CBD's effects on brain chemicals regulating anxiety and emotion, and discover the ongoing NIH-funded clinical trial examining CBD-based treatments for individuals with opioid use disorder. Gain insights into the history of Cannabinoids and their unique characteristics that could have significant impacts on addiction treatment. Understand Yasmin's vision for a future where CBD therapies play a crucial role in overcoming opioid addiction and eradicating the epidemic.


Could CBD help opioid users overcome addiction?

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