Combining RNAscope Technology with Protein Detection - A Multi-Omics Approach Using RNA-Protein Integrated Co-Detection Workflow

Offered By: Labroots via YouTube


Gene Expression Courses Molecular Biology Courses Immunohistochemistry Courses

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Explore a 47-minute webinar presented by Blake McAlpin, a Field Application Scientist for ACD, on combining RNAscopeā„¢ technology with protein detection for a multi-omics approach. Learn about the Integrated Co-Detection Workflow (ICW), which merges RNAscope in situ hybridization (ISH) with immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunofluorescence (IF) to detect RNA and protein in the same sample. Discover guidelines for sample preparation, pretreatment, and detection, along with troubleshooting tips. Gain insights into this powerful method for detecting gene expression with spatial and morphological tissue context. Earn PACE credits by watching the webinar and following the provided instructions. Connect with LabRoots on various social media platforms for more scientific content and updates.


Combining RNAscopeā„¢ Technology with Protein Detection: A Multi Omics approach using RNA-Protein...

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