Colloidal Glasses - Bringing Glass Physics Into Focus by Rajesh Ganapathy

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Condensed Matter Physics Courses Statistical Physics Courses Confocal Microscopy Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of colloidal glasses in this comprehensive lecture by Rajesh Ganapathy from the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research. Delve into the striking similarities between colloidal suspensions and atomic systems, and discover how their large size makes them ideal for studying statistical and condensed matter physics. Learn about a groundbreaking real-space imaging study revealing how glasses can transform into crystals despite frozen dynamics at the particle level. Examine competing theories of glass transition through experiments probing dense liquid dynamics on spherical surfaces. Gain insights into devitrification pathways, the role of softness in predicting devitrification, and the impact of curved space on glass transition. Uncover the potential of machine learning in understanding glasses and cooperative dynamics in liquids on spheres.


Colloidal glasses Bringing glass physics into focus
The fate of a typical liquid on cooling
Glass transition is ubiquitous
Striking features of the glass transition
Dynamical heterogeneities (DH) in dense colloidal liquids Visualized using a confocal microscope
Crystal: Devitrification
Why is devitrification interesting?
Dynamics frozen on particle scale
Devitrification of a soft colloidal glass
What do simulations say?
One glass, two devitrification pathways
@ Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics Meeting (UCGP 2018), Bristol
Support Vector Machines
Softness a better predictor of devitrification
Supercooled liquids on a sphere
The glass transition problem
What happens when you curve space?
Experimental system
Topological charges in liquids on a sphere
Cooperative dynamics in liquids on a sphere
Machine learning glasses

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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