Algorithmic Bias in AI: Implications and Challenges - A Discussion with Cristopher Moore and Melanie Moses
Offered By: Santa Fe Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the complex societal issues surrounding artificial intelligence and algorithmic bias in this thought-provoking discussion featuring Cristopher Moore and Melanie Moses. Delve into the controversial use of algorithms in various settings, from online streaming services to criminal justice courts, and examine their impact on decision-making processes. Investigate the claims of objectivity and accuracy surrounding these sophisticated programs, while uncovering their potential to produce biased outcomes and perpetuate societal problems. Join the conversation on algorithmic justice, inspired by the documentary "Coded Bias," and discover the implications of AI governing our liberties. Learn about MIT researcher Joy Buolamwini's investigation into facial-recognition software bias and its consequences for marginalized groups. Gain insights into the fight for transparency in AI and the importance of addressing algorithmic bias in our increasingly technology-driven world.
Coded Bias - A discussion on algorithmic bias with Cristopher Moore and Melanie Moses.
Taught by
Santa Fe Institute
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