Clock, Fall - Choreorobotics and Possible Futures of Choreographic Practice

Offered By: Mahindra Humanities Center via YouTube


Choreography Courses Artificial Intelligence Courses Robotics Courses Human-Robot Interaction Courses

Course Description


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Explore the innovative field of choreorobotics in this thought-provoking seminar presented by Sydney Skybetter at the Mahindra Humanities Center. Delve into the intersection of choreography and robotics, examining how bodies in motion generate meaning across human and non-human forms. Discover the origins and recent advancements in choreorobotics, and learn how emerging technologies can be influenced by collective action and coalition building. Gain insights into diverse topics including Boston Dynamics robots, Tesla's "Party Mode" and Optimus robots, parasitic aesthetic theory, AI, and pop culture references. Benefit from Skybetter's expertise as a pioneering choreographer, lecturer, and founder of the Conference for Research on Choreographic Interfaces. Engage with cutting-edge concepts that bridge the gap between dance, technology, and the future of choreographic practice.


Clock, Fall: Choreorobotics and Possible Futures of Choreographic Practice

Taught by

Mahindra Humanities Center

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