Advanced Topics in Particle Physics and Cosmology - CATCH22+2 2024

Offered By: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS via YouTube


Particle Physics Courses Cosmology Courses Dark Matter Courses Phase Transitions Courses Neutron Stars Courses Gravitational Waves Courses Cosmic Microwave Background Courses Axion Courses

Course Description


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Explore cutting-edge topics in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology through this comprehensive conference talk series. Delve into electroweak baryogenesis, gravitational waves, phase transitions, gamma-ray astronomy, neutron stars, dark matter, axions, and more. Learn from renowned experts as they discuss the viability of electroweak baryogenesis, probing new physics with gravitational waves, transport equations in baryogenesis, and the unique insights gamma-ray astronomy provides. Discover how neutron stars serve as laboratories for particle and nuclear physics, explore dark matter detection using pulsars, and understand axion screening of the cosmic microwave background. Gain historical perspective with a talk on Dunsink Observatory, then dive into advanced topics like loop-induced first-order electroweak phase transitions, signs of such transitions at the LHC, and baryogenesis from transient CP violation. Conclude with discussions on hierarchies in physics, coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering, and constraints on beyond Standard Model neutrino physics.


Prof. Michael Ramsey-Musolf - How Viable Is Electroweak Baryogensis ?
Prof. Stephen Frederick King - Gravitational Waves as Probes of New Physics
Prof. Germano Nardini - Probing first-order phase transitions at LISA
Prof. Kimmo Juhani Kainulainen - Transport equations for electroweak baryogenesis
Prof. Paula Chadwick - Gamma-ray Astronomy: a Unique Probe of the Universe
Prof. Aleksi Vuorinen - Neutron stars as a laboratory for particle and nuclear physics
Dr. Nataliya Porayko - Chasing dark matter with pulsar experiments
Dr. Cristina Mondino - Axion screening of the CMB
Prof. Peter Gallagher - History of Dunsink
Prof. Marieke Postma - Sourcing electroweak baryogenesis
Prof. Shinya KANEMURA - Exploring loop-induced first order electroweak phase transition in the Higgs effective field theory
Prof. Sven Heinemeyer - Signs for a FOEWPT at the LHC?!
Prof. Rikard Enberg - First-order electroweak phase transition in the SMEFT
Dr. Jose Miguel No - Baryogenesis from transient CP violation in the early Universe
Prof. Manfred Lindner - Hierarchies and conformal UV completions
Prof. Diego Aristizabal - Coherent Elastic neutrino-Nucleus Scattering with directional detectors
Dr. Mariam Tórtola - Constraining BSM neutrino physics with CEvNS

Taught by

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS

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