CATCH22+2 - Advanced Topics in Particle Physics and Cosmology
Offered By: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS via YouTube
Course Description
Prof. Patrizia Azzi - BSM at FCC
Prof. Alicia Calderon Tazon - Higgs+DM searches in CMS
Dr. Jana Schaarschmidt - Searches for Higgs boson pair production at ATLAS
Dr. Djuna Croon - Constraints and probes of dark matter objects
Prof. Enrico Nardi - Can the QCD axion feed a dark energy component?
Prof. Alejandro Ibarra - Connecting the baryons to the dark matter of the Universe
Prof. Belen Gavela - CP violation with ALPs and with singlet scalars
Prof. Francesco D'Eramo - Back to the phase space: thermal axions
Dr. Miguel Vanvlasselaer - Photo production from anomaly terms in supernovae and neutron stars
Prof. Jose Ramon Espinosa Sedano - Applications of the Tunneling Potential Formalism
Dr. Oliver Gould - Bubble nucleation for cosmological phase transitions
Dr. Xander Nagels - Criterion for ultra-fast bubble walls: the impact of hydrodynamic obstruction
Dr. Marek Lewicki - Search for cosmological phase transitions through their gravitational wave signals
Dr. Anne-Katherine Burns - PRyMordial: The first minutes of the universe, computed in seconds
Prof. Arttu Rajantie - Stochastic effective theory for scalar fields in de Sitter spacetime
Dr. Chris Dessert - Cosmic Axiverse Background
Dr. Patrick Stengel - Contributions to N_eff from freeze-in production of light relics
Taught by
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS
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