CATCH22+2 - Advanced Topics in Particle Physics and Cosmology

Offered By: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS via YouTube


Particle Physics Courses Cosmology Courses Dark Matter Courses Phase Transitions Courses Higgs Boson Courses Gravitational Waves Courses Axion Courses CP Violation Courses

Course Description


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Explore cutting-edge topics in particle physics and cosmology through this comprehensive conference series featuring 17 expert talks. Delve into beyond Standard Model physics at future colliders, dark matter searches, Higgs boson studies, axion cosmology, and phase transitions in the early universe. Learn about innovative theoretical frameworks and experimental techniques for probing fundamental questions about the nature of matter, dark energy, and the evolution of the cosmos. Gain insights into the latest research on topics like CP violation, bubble nucleation, gravitational waves, and light relic particles from leading scientists in the field.


Prof. Patrizia Azzi - BSM at FCC
Prof. Alicia Calderon Tazon - Higgs+DM searches in CMS
Dr. Jana Schaarschmidt - Searches for Higgs boson pair production at ATLAS
Dr. Djuna Croon - Constraints and probes of dark matter objects
Prof. Enrico Nardi - Can the QCD axion feed a dark energy component?
Prof. Alejandro Ibarra - Connecting the baryons to the dark matter of the Universe
Prof. Belen Gavela - CP violation with ALPs and with singlet scalars
Prof. Francesco D'Eramo - Back to the phase space: thermal axions
Dr. Miguel Vanvlasselaer - Photo production from anomaly terms in supernovae and neutron stars
Prof. Jose Ramon Espinosa Sedano - Applications of the Tunneling Potential Formalism
Dr. Oliver Gould - Bubble nucleation for cosmological phase transitions
Dr. Xander Nagels - Criterion for ultra-fast bubble walls: the impact of hydrodynamic obstruction
Dr. Marek Lewicki - Search for cosmological phase transitions through their gravitational wave signals
Dr. Anne-Katherine Burns - PRyMordial: The first minutes of the universe, computed in seconds
Prof. Arttu Rajantie - Stochastic effective theory for scalar fields in de Sitter spacetime
Dr. Chris Dessert - Cosmic Axiverse Background
Dr. Patrick Stengel - Contributions to N_eff from freeze-in production of light relics

Taught by

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS

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