Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Part 1: Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Connect from Jupyter to a Neo4j Sandbox.
Part 2: Bited-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Using the py2neo Python Driver.
Part 3: Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Using the Neo4j Python Driver.
Part 4: Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Basic Cypher Queries (and with Google Colab).
Part 5: Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Populating the Database from Pandas.
Part 6: Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Populating the Database with LOAD CSV.
Part 7: Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Populating the Database with the neo4j-admin tool.
Part 8: Populating the Database from a JSON file.
Part 9: Cypher Queries 2.
Part 10: Creating in-memory graphs with Cypher projections.
Part 11: Import RDF data from Wikidata.
Part 12: Creating In-Memory Graphs with Native Projections.
Part 13: Calculating Centrality.
Part 14: Community Detection with the Louvain Method.
Part 15: Community detection via Weakly Connected Components.
Part 16: Using Strongly Connected Components to find Communities.
Part 17: Creating FastRP Graph Embeddings.
Graph Data Visualization for Data Scientists and Data Analysts | Neo4j Bloom.
Part 18: Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists - Putting Graph Embeddings into an ML Model.
Part 19: Starting with a SQL table....
Part 20: ...And compare it to a graph... (2/n).
Part 21: An example of when querying a graph can be easier than SQL (3/n).
Part 22: A side-by-side calculation of degree using SQL and Neo4j (4/n).
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