Beyond Effective Field Theory - Isabel Garcia Garcia

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


High-Energy Physics Courses Effective Field Theory Courses Quantum Information Science Courses Particle Theory Courses Astro-Particle Theory Courses

Course Description


Explore cutting-edge concepts in theoretical physics with this conference talk from the 2022 Snowmass Theory Frontier Conference at KITP. Delve into topics beyond Effective Field Theory as Isabel Garcia Garcia presents a 22-minute lecture covering 't Hooft naturalness, global symmetries, the Weak Gravity Conjecture, and the Cosmological Constant problem. Gain insights into quantitative understanding, EFT consistency from a bottom-up approach, and potential directions beyond ordinary symmetries. Engage with this recording that brings together experts in particle theory, formal/string theory, cosmological and astro-particle theory, and quantum information science, offering a unique opportunity to explore recent advances and future opportunities in High Energy Physics.


Consistency beyond EFT
't Hooft naturalness, quo vadis?
Towards quantitative understanding
No global symmetries... in practice
Beyond ordinary symmetries?
Weak Gravity Conjecture
The Cosmological Constant problem
EFT Consistency: Bottom-up

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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