Basics of Dynamical Mean Field Theory

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Condensed Matter Physics Courses Many-body Physics Courses Hubbard Model Courses Dynamical Mean Field Theory Courses Quantum Materials Courses Strongly Correlated Systems Courses

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Explore the fundamentals of Dynamical Mean Field Theory in this comprehensive lecture by Frank Lechermann. Delve into advanced concepts in quantum materials and condensed matter physics as part of the "Engineered 2D Quantum Materials" program organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Learn about the application of DMFT in understanding emergent electronic, magnetic, and topological phenomena in two-dimensional synthetic structures. Gain insights into the interplay between electronic correlations, spin-orbit coupling, crystal structure, symmetry, and topology in quantum materials. Discover how reduced dimensionality in artificially engineered heterostructures can lead to new electronic band structures and host emergent behaviors. Ideal for graduate students, postdocs, and researchers interested in advanced theoretical techniques for studying complex quantum systems.


Basics of Dynamical Mean Field Theory by Frank Lechermann

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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