Async Code Reviews Are Killing Your Company’s Throughput

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Software Development Courses Data Analysis Courses Team Collaboration Courses Mob Programming Courses

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Discover why async code reviews may be detrimental to your company's productivity in this 43-minute conference talk from NDC Copenhagen 2022. Explore the surprising insights gained from analyzing tens of thousands of pull requests across multiple repositories. Learn about the trade-offs between speed and quality in both large and small pull requests, and uncover the unexpected benefits of co-creation patterns like pair and mob programming. Challenge the assumption that multiple developers working on the same computer hinders team throughput, and gain valuable knowledge to improve your development process and boost both quality and productivity.


Async Code Reviews Are Killing Your Company’s Throughput - Dragan Stepanović - NDC Copenhagen 2022

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NDC Conferences

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