Applied Cobordism Hypothesis in Quantum Field Theory

Offered By: NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube


Quantum Field Theory Courses Topology Courses Differential Geometry Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Algebraic Topology Courses Categorical Symmetries Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricate world of applied cobordism hypothesis in this comprehensive lecture delivered by D. Jordan from the University of Edinburgh. Delve into the fascinating intersection of category theory and quantum field theory as part of the "Categorical Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory" conference and school. Over the course of 3 hours and 20 minutes, gain deep insights into the application of cobordism theory to modern physics, unraveling complex mathematical concepts and their relevance to understanding symmetries in quantum systems. Engage with cutting-edge research presented by a leading expert in the field, and expand your knowledge of advanced mathematical techniques used in theoretical physics.


Applied Cobordism Hypothesis, D. Jordan (University of Edinburgh)

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