Braid Monodromy and Divisibility of Alexander Polynomials of Real Singular Curves

Offered By: IMSA via YouTube


Polynomials Courses Geometry Courses Topology Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Algebraic Geometry Courses Algebraic Topology Courses

Course Description


Explore the intricate connections between algebraic geometry and topology in this 1-hour 11-minute conference talk by Anatoly Libgober from the University of Miami. Delve into the role of Alexander polynomials in algebraic geometry and examine the symmetries of braid monodromy decomposition for specific classes of plane curves defined over real numbers. Gain insights into new divisibility relations for Alexander invariants, with a particular focus on real curves without real points. This presentation, part of the "Geometry, Topology, Group Actions, and Singularities in the Americas" conference, offers a deep dive into the intersection of group actions, geometry, topology, and singularity theory, fostering interdisciplinary connections across North and South America.


Anatoly Libgober: Braid Monodromy and Divisibility of Alexander Polynomials of Real Singular Curves

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