Fundamental Group of Surfaces - Multiplication and Properties

Offered By: Insights into Mathematics via YouTube


Algebraic Topology Courses Group Theory Courses Mathematical Proofs Courses Topology Courses Fundamental Groups Courses Torus Courses

Course Description


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Delve deeper into the fundamental group of a surface in this 35-minute lecture on Algebraic Topology. Prove that the multiplication of equivalence classes or types of loops from a base point forms a group in the algebraic sense. Explore the fundamental group of the torus and the projective plane. Learn about multiplication, identity, constant loops, inverses, and associativity through detailed proofs and picture examples. Conclude with a discussion on the projective plane and a problem to describe the fundamental group of a given space. Suitable for beginners in Algebraic Topology, this lecture is part of a course given by N J Wildberger of UNSW.


More on the fundamental group
Proof -Identity & constant loop
picture examples
Projective plane
Problem 26. Describe...

Taught by

Insights into Mathematics

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