Eminem Godzilla Music Video VFX in After Effects
Offered By: Ignace Aleya via YouTube
Course Description
Learn to recreate 10 epic visual effects from Eminem's "Godzilla" music video using Adobe After Effects in this comprehensive 32-minute tutorial. Master techniques for creating big eyes, blood splatter, blur effects, face-on-bottle illusions, face replacement, body parts on fire, 3D knife animations, mouth removal, RGB echo effects, and walking destruction sequences. Follow along with time-stamped chapters, gain access to free VFX elements, and discover essential plugins and assets to enhance your video editing skills for vlogs, music videos, and travel content.
- Big Eyes Effect
- Blood Splatter Effect
- Blur Effect
- Face on Bottle Effect
- Face Replacement Effect
- Bodyparts on fire
- 30 Knives follow Effect
- No Mouth Effect
- RGB Echo Effect
- Walking Destruction Effect
Corsair Sponsor
Start Tutorial
Big eyes
Blood splatter
Blur effect
Face on bottle
Face Replacement
Body Parts on Fire
3D knives
No mouth
RGB Echo
Walking Destruction
Taught by
Ignace Aleya
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