1-Form Symmetries and the Phase Diagram of Yang Mills Theory - Davide Gaiotto
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of 1-form symmetries and the phase diagram of Yang-Mills theory in this 46-minute conference talk by Davide Gaiotto from the Perimeter Institute. Delve into topics such as color confinement, flux tubes, and large N gauge theories as part of the Confinement, Flux Tubes, and Large N KITP conference. Examine the theta angle and its relation to phase transitions and PSU(N), gain insights from the lattice perspective, and investigate 1-form symmetry, two-form background, and line defects in Yang-Mills theory. Analyze the Witten effect, finite temperature considerations, and the mixed gauge theory phase diagram to deepen your understanding of these fundamental concepts in theoretical physics.
Theta angle and phase transitions
Theta angle and PSU(N)
Lattice perspective
1-form symmetry
Two-form background and theta angle
Line defects in Yang-Mills
Witten effect
Finite temperature
Mixed gauge theory phase diagram
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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