Working with Cloud Dataprep on Google Cloud

Offered By: Google via Google Cloud Skills Boost


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Courses BigQuery Courses Data Cleaning Courses Cloud Dataprep Courses

Course Description


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Cloud Dataprep is Google's self-service data preparation tool. In this lab, you will learn how to use Cloud Dataprep to clean and enrich multiple datasets using a mock use case scenario of customer info and purchase history.


  • GSP050
  • Overview
  • Setup and requirements
  • Task 1. Open Google Cloud Dataprep
  • Task 2. Retrieve dataset files
  • Task 3. Create a Flow
  • Task 4. Clean customer data
  • Task 5. Union multiple transactions datasets
  • Task 6. Modifying recipe steps
  • Task 7. Join transactions data to customers data
  • Task 8. Create new columns and rename
  • Task 9. Publish the results to BigQuery
  • Congratulations!


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