Yoga As Meditation

Offered By: Udemy


Yoga Courses Meditation Courses Enlightenment Courses Breathwork Courses

Course Description


Yoga the traditional way of the sages

What you'll learn:
  • To gain a basic understanding of what it means to say that Yoga IS meditation
  • Easily be able to perform short self-guided meditations
  • To practice meditation systematically with body, breath, conscious and unconscious mind, and beyond
  • To understand the difference between modern postural yoga and traditional yoga which is about meditation
  • The title of Yoga AS meditation is only because most people think of Yoga as physical, while it traditionally IS all about meditation.
  • Yoga is traditionally about transcending mind, and is practiced both as seated meditation and meditation in action during daily life.

*******Over 13,000 students areenrolled in this course*******

"Yoga As Meditation" is a process of blending with and expanding on what you are already doing, not a process of replacing one with the other. An increasing number of postural yoga teachers and students are exploring the more traditional meaning of yoga practices as methods of meditation and contemplation intended to lead to Self-realization, or enlightenment, awakening to the ever peaceful, joyous center of consciousness which is one with the absolute reality. This course is designed to be an introduction to that process, to the fact that yoga really does mean "union" of the individual self with the universal Self.

Yoga is a whole life process. Ultimately, there is only one Yoga with many aspects. Meditation is so much at the core of traditional Yoga that Yoga virtually IS Meditation.

Taught by

Abhyasa Ashram and Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

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