Breath Secrets : 7 Day Challenge

Offered By: Udemy


Nutrition & Wellness Courses Anxiety Management Courses Breathwork Courses

Course Description


Join David and Harness the Power of the Breath to Clear Mental Fog, Overcome Depression, and Access Inspiration

What you'll learn:
  • Students will be able to use the breath to clear negative moods, increase clarity, and build excitement - within 10 minutes.

You were born with an incredible gift...

That you were never taught how to harness - Your Breath.

In this 7 Day Training, Iam going to initiate you into the secrets of Tummo, a life-changing breath practice that will literally change your world.

90% of the population doesn't know how to breathe.

Studies show that most people are actually holding in negative emotions, tension, and nervous system trauma - and this results in what is called "Shallow Breathing". Most people don’t notice their breathing is compromised until 70 percent of the functioning capacity of their lungs is gone.

Shallow breathing hasbeen scientifically linked with degenerative disease, poor quality of life, and an early onset of death.

However, we can reverse all of that - with some simple techniques Iam going to show you over the next 7 days.

After teaching this to professional athletes andhollywood influencers, Idecided it was time to share this powerful knowledge with you.

If you complete this course, you will have the tools you need to overcome anxiety, extend your lifespan, and reconnect to YOURdivine inspiration!

Big Love -

David Beaudry

Taught by

David Beaudry

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