UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Work as a UI designer building web design & app designs.
- Use Illustrator to a professional level.
- Know how to build wireframes.
- Know how to build site maps.
- Know how to design for a responsive website.
- Professional workflows and shortcuts.
UI design skills are one of the most employable opportunities of our lifetime. In this course you’ll learn how to design a professional website in Adobe Illustrator CC. We’ll start right at the basics of Illustrator and work our way through to building professional UI designs. This course doesn’t cover how to code a website but focuses on the design processes that professional UI designers use when working.
This is a project based class for students who are new to the world of app & web design. I created this for people nervous about changing their careers into the world of user interface design.
We’ll build a professional portfolio website. You can use this course to build your own portfolio website (the one you’ve been putting off for years). You’ll learn how to design desktop, tablet and mobile versions of your website. You’ll learn what you’ll need to deliver at the end of a project to your client.
This course is for people serious about becoming a User Interface design professional.
Know that I’ll be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.
Now it’s time to upgrade your skills, get that better job, and impress your clients.
What are the requirements?
You'll need a copy of Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.
No previous design skills are needed.
No previous Illustrator skills are needed.
What am I going to get from this course
45 lectures 4 Hours 7 minutes of content!
You'll learn to design a website with in Adobe Illustrator.
User Interface essentials.
27 Completed files so you never fall behind.
Learn how to wireframe at all levels
How to design for a responsive website.
Downloadable exercise files & cheat sheet.
Forum support from me and the rest of the BYOL crew.
Techniques used by professional website designers.
Professional workflows and shortcuts.
A wealth of other resources and websites to help your new career path.
What is the target audience?
This course is for beginners. Aimed at people new to the world of web and UI design. While no previous Illustrator experience is necessary.
Course duration 4 hours
Taught by
Daniel Walter Scott and Instructor HQ
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