Python Programming for Beginners with Hands on Tutorial
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Learn basics of Python Programming
- Explore and Understand Pythons Data Structures ie Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries
- Learn Fundamentals of Python Programming
- Learn the purpose of Functions in Python and How to operate on files to read and write data in Python
- Learn the Object Oriented Programming in Python
- Learn how to use PyCham to write Python Scripts
- Learn how to Professionally write Python Programs
Welcome to this course of Python Programming for Beginners, and become a Python Professional which is one of the most favored skills, that employer's need
Whether you are new to programming or have never programmed before in Python, this course is for you! This course covers the Python Programming from scratch. This course is self-paced. There is no need to rush - you learn on your own schedule.
Pуthоn iѕ one of the best open source programming language and more powerful than other programming languages. It iѕ well documented and runs everywhere. It has a clean syntax and quite еаѕу tо lеаrn.
This course will help anyone who want to start a саrееr in Data Science and Machine Lеаrning. You need to have basic undеrѕtаnding оf Pуthоn to become a Data Scientist or Data Analyst.
This course begins with the introduction to Python that will help you write python code in no time. Then we help you with the installation of Python on your computer and setting up programming tools and programming environment. This course will provide you with everything you need to know about Python Programming.
We will be covering the following topics:
Writing your first Python Program
Data Types in Python
Variables and Expressions
Keywords and Identifiers, Comments
Numbers in Python
Strings and its operations (Formatting, Indexing, Slicing and String Methods)
Type Conversion Functions & eval() function
Operators in Python (Arithmetic, Relational, Comparison, Chaining of Relational Operators, Logical, Bitwise, Assignment, Identity, Membership and Operator Precedence)
Input and Output Statements (Separator, End Attributes, Replacement Operator, Formatted Strings)
Program Control Flow (If, if-else, Nested if-else, While loop, Range Function, For loop, break and continue statements)
List Data Structure (Indexing, Methods, Slicing, Split, Sorting, Reversing, and List Functions, Membership and Identity Operators)
Tuples Data Structure (Indexing, Slicing, Functions, Membership and Identity Operators)
Nesting of Lists and Tuples
Dictionary and Sets in Python
Functions (Creating Functions, Variable parameters, Keyword Arguments, Default Arguments)
Recursion in Python
Local and Global Variables
Lambda Functions
Modules in Python
Working with Files ( Reading and Writing Files)
Exception Handling
Object Oriented Programming in Python (Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism)
This course teaches Python in a practical manner with hands-on experience with coding screen-cast.
Once you complete this course, you will be able to create or develop Python Programs to solve any complex problems with ease.
Taught by
Syed Mohiuddin
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