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Meditation Courses Mindfulness Courses Stress Relief Courses

Course Description


Core Practices For Living Wisely

What you'll learn:
  • Sitting meditation
  • Walking meditation
  • Handle strong sensations & pain
  • Eat with mindfulness
  • Acknowledge thoughts & feelings without getting caught in them
  • Cultivate compassion
  • Attune to highest intentions

Mindfulness Meditation with Jack Kornfield is a complete course in practicing mindfulness by one of the world’s leading experts. Decades of neuroscience studies show the power of mindfulness to relieve stress, awaken our positive capacities, and bring balance to our lives. Mindfulness gives us the power to meet any situation wisely, to be fully present, and to operate with compassion. When we can look more clearly into ourselves and our life situation, new possibilities naturally open up for transforming difficulties and emerging stronger and wiser.

This comprehensive training in all the fundamental mindfulness practices is entirely accessible to everyone, from beginners to those with prior meditative experience. Rich with stories, practices, teachings and good humor, it features eight complete sessions of guided exercises in sitting meditation including mindfulness of breath, body, feelings and thoughts; walking meditation; mindful eating; compassion practice to free the heart; and connection with our deepest aspirations and intention. These guided segments are a valuable resource that can be used again and again to sustain or refresh your regular, ongoing practice.

Here is the benefit: We all know how busy and divisive modern times can be, and how easily they can fuel stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is both healing and liberating. Learning to meet our complex world and our own changing mental states with mindful loving awareness and courage allows us to find spacious, clear and healthy responses to life, rather than be caught in habitual reactions and struggle.

Mindfulness quiets the mind and heals the heart. Systematically practicing mindfulness, we can recognize and foster positive states of mind like kindness, generosity, steadiness, and love -- discovering how they are natural to us; and learn to nurture and strengthen them into a new, more gracious life of well-being.

Taught by

Jack Kornfield, Ph.D.

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