Overcome Postpartum Depression Specific Exercises Included

Offered By: Udemy


Mental Health Courses Anxiety Management Courses Positive Psychology Courses Stress Relief Courses

Course Description


Positive Psychology Based Approach for New Mom with Anxiety or Depression

What you'll learn:
  • Baby Blues Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
  • Feel Happy Again
  • Work Through Exercises To Increase Confidence
  • Learn Tools and Techniques To Relief Stress, Anxiety, and Fear

This course is based upon uplifting daily lessons designed for the brand-new mother.

  • Day-by-day we will cover one way to overcome anxiety and depression.

  • Each day has something to do or give thought to in order to renew your mind.

  • This course uses positive psychology.

  • Make the decision today and every day to choose happiness.

  • A course journal is included.

The course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee.

Thank you for exploring this course brought to you by Pursuing Wisdom Academy.

Crystal Hutchinson Tummala is a Pennsylvania licensed attorney. She has started several successful businesses and previously had her own law practice.

In 2018, Crystal Hutchinson Tummala founded Pursuing Wisdom Academy. The mission of Pursuing Wisdom Academy is to assist you with the achievement of your goals.

The library of courses offered by Pursuing Wisdom Academy is ever increasing and covers topics including Entrepreneurship, Course Creation, Life Coaching, Relationship Courses, Job Searching, Motivation, Grief and Bereavement, Contract and Legal Issues, as well as courses related to Spirituality. Crystal constantly researches various educational platforms and looks for areas where she can create additional courses that would benefit her growing student base.

She is humbled and grateful to have over 84,000 students in 190 countries.

The courses only require access to the Internet and a phone or computer to view the videos. If you are eager to learn and apply the lessons taught in the courses, you will excel.

Taught by

Crystal Hutchinson Tummala, J.D.

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