Image Recognition with Neural Networks From Scratch(FREE)

Offered By: Udemy


Image Recognition Courses Neural Networks Courses Backpropagation Courses

Course Description


Write An Image Recognition Program in Python

What you'll learn:
  • Write a Python program that recognizes images from scratch without using any libraries!
  • Understand A Neural Network is.
  • Understand some important mathematical prerequisites such as functions and their computational graphs.
  • Understand conceptually what a derivative and a gradient is to fully appreciate the Gradient Descent Algorithm.
  • Understand the Gradient Descent Algorithm, the central algorithm in machine learning with Neural Networks.
  • Understand Backpropagation and its importance in computing gradients.
  • Be able to implement the full Python program in 50 lines of code that recognizes images.


Because of my busy schedule, Iwill not be able to maintain or support this course. Udemy requires that video content must be under 2 hours to make a course free. So Ihave unpublished most of the videos to satisfy the requirements. Please see my youtube channel for all lecture videos. Youtube Channel: @longnguyen8112


This is an introduction to Neural Networks. The course explains the math behind Neural Networks in the context of image recognition. By the end of the course, we will have written a program in Python that recognizes images without using any autograd libraries. The only prerequisite is some high school precalculus. Although the prerequisite is minimal, we will discuss many advanced topics including:

1) functions and their computational graphs.

2) neural networks

3) conceptually understand the derivative and the gradient.

4) gradient descent and backpropagation

5) the multivariable chain rule

6) mini-batch gradient descent


Because of my busy schedule, Iwill not be able to maintain or support this course. Udemy requires that video content must be under 2 hours to make a course free. So Ihave unpublished most of the videos to satisfy the requirements. Please see my youtube channel for all lecture videos. Youtube Channel: @longnguyen8112


Taught by

Long Nguyen

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