Practical Guide: Whiteboard Animation with Videoscribe
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Make your own professional video in a simple way saving your money.
- Promoting your business and products.
- Having the ability to introduce your ideas in an amusing way.
- Able to attract people to your products by good publicity.
VideoScribeis the most popular whiteboard animation software that gains the trust of many multinational companies such as MobilDelvac. You can create videos in which your clients can hear, see and interact with the video.
VideoScribegives you the ability to insert handwritten text, images (vectors and bitmap).
VideoScribeallows you to build charts with different types and to carry out your analysis. You can also insert voice over describing your video with a beautiful background music.
It does not require any drawing skills to master VideoScribe.
In this course:
Detailed discussion for every feature in the software.
Bonus lectures forInkScapeto use it with VideoScribe.
Package of+150 hand fontsthat helps you to create professional videos.
Package ofwebsitesthat provide free fonts, vectors and sounds to improve videos reality.
Discussing how to edit the exported videos using Camtasia.
Combination of VideoScribe andCamtasia & Photoshop & Inkscape.
You can find more and more after you enroll to this course.
Taught by
Mohamed A. Abozeima
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