Beginner Object Oriented Programming In C# and .NET Core
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Big picture understanding of what programs are and why even use Object Oriented Programming
- 4 Main pillars of Object Oriented Programming
- Down To Earth examples to let you fully understand each concept
- How to utilize each pillar of Object Oriented Programming in your own project
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) just sounds unnecessary complex. It is not complex. In this course I want to take you on to a journey where I show you, in simple and succinct examples, how Object Oriented Programming (OOP) works. Specifically I show you how Object Oriented Programming (OOP) works in C#and .NETCore.
I will not be using confusing academia jargon in order to sound smart or glossing over details too quickly to leave you out in the dark. I will be here with you each and every step of the way until you fully grasp what Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is. You will also learn about C#and about .NETCore.
Now a question you might have is WHYlearn Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?Great question and the answer is money. That is correct money. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in short teaches you how to organize your program in a way in which it makes it maintainable, scalable and readable. These are the main aspects for which you get paid for as a software developer or a web developer.
Now let's look at some numbers. .NET (and more specifically C# (C Sharp))developers make anywhere from 80K - 100K+ (obviously the range would depend on where you reside), but the point is that C#(C Sharp) is not only a valuable skill but a profitable one as well.
Now the market is full of people who are switching from other majors to get into software development or web development but the problem is that they are clumsy coders. The reason is because... as you have already guessed:they don't know how to write maintainable, scalable and readable code. By learning Object Oriented Programming (OOP) you are differentiating yourself from a sea of developers and getting to the top of the hierarchy. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is not flashy, it is not a crazy new mobile development platform or methodology, in other words it might not sound so exciting at first, BUTwithout knowing Object Oriented Programming (OOP) one can not be a well rounded developer and will inherently write bad code - you don't want to be that guy. Once you start learning Object Oriented Programming (OOP) you will realize that it is actually a lot of fun which then will make you want to learn even more. It is a nice upward cycle, but you have to start it up first.
Even if you are a freelancer and have no reason to look for a job you still WANTyour code to be maintainable, scalable and readable. Of course you do.
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) teaches you how to think clearly about your code by letting you visualize your problems in terms of objects. This allows you to have a high level view of the problem which then allows you to come up with a much better solution.
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) will not only help you solve problems while programming but will help you solve problems better in general. It will help you plan your life since that is just yet another problem waiting to be solved. I can testify to this since it has done it for me.
Another upside to learning Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the fact that it is not specific to C#or .NETor .NETCore. You might think that at first but it is not so at all. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a way of thinking, it is a methodology that is implemented in a language such as C#or Java and many others. So once you understand the methodology in one language you can then apply and transfer your knowledge into another language.
Now as a beginner you will enjoy this course because I am not going to be focusing on writing complex software. All of the code written is going to be pretty simple since I am going to be spending all of my energy and focus on explaining the core concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
The 4 main pillars of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) are going to be demystified and by the end of this course you will be a master at defining what each of pillars mean and how they work most importantly.
Inheritance, Polymorphism - static and dynamic, Encapsulation and Abstraction. These are the 4 main pillars of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) you need to understand and as already mentioned I will be dissecting them one by one in this course so that by the end of it you are fully competent at taking these concepts and using them in you own applications.
I look forward to having you as my student and sharing with youall that I have gathered along the years of practice, hard work and listening to my own mentors.
Taught by
Avetis Ghukasyan
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