Object Oriented Programming in Java
Offered By: Udacity
Course Description
This course will introduce you to some of the most powerful programming concepts in Java, including: objects, inheritance and collections. You will learn how to use these object-oriented programming concepts in code examples, discover how these concepts are used in applications that require user input, and understand the benefits of mastering these concepts in Java.
By the end of the course, you will create your own game, understand how and when to apply foundational Java concepts, and will gain a deeper understanding of the tools and logic that professional Java developers use everyday. You will also have the Java programming foundations you need to take our Android Developer Nanodegree program.
- The World of Objects
- Learn how to create classes and objects and use them in programs,Discover the purpose of constructors, fields and methods,Learn how to use access modifiers to set your classes to public or private
- User Interaction
- Learn how to accept user input at runtime,Learn how to pass user input to be stored for access later,Build a program that a user can interact with
- Inheritance
- Understand the core OOP concepts of encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance,Learn how to use interfaces to extend and add features to classes,Experiment with overriding methods and the `super` keyword to access methods
- Collections
- Learn about Collection types: list, set, queue, stack and map,Understand how the Collection interface is implemented
Taught by
James Williams and Asser Samak
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