Augmented Reality Certification ( AR Foundation, Vuforia )

Offered By: Udemy


Unity Courses Augmented Reality Courses Vuforia Courses Application Development Courses AR Foundation Courses

Course Description


Feel free to take this Augmented Reality course, AR concepts are very well explained in Hindi. Be ready with unity.

What you'll learn:
  • Begineer level Augmented Reality
  • Essential Augmented Reality concepts to start development
  • Eeven students not aware of basic of Augmented Reality they can learn and guaranteed to build application based on Augmented Reality
  • Augmented Reality using AR Foundation
  • Augmented Reality Using Vuforia
  • Augmented Reality with help of unity

Learn Augmented Reality in only 2.0hr. In this Augmented Reality course we are going to learn Augmented Reality from scratch an our goal is to be a master in Augmented Reality . This course is in Hindi language so it’s very easy to understand basic concepts and easily understand the problem while we face during the coding. At the completion of the course you definitely mention the Augmented Reality in your resume. And you are able to develop Augmented reality based app . With this knowledge you can start any development tool to make projects. If you are new in Augmented reality guaranteed after this Augmented Reality course you will familiar to run the build Augmented reality based application and help you to develop your coding performance.

From 12th stander and above can be avail this Augmented Reality course. If you're in other industry like mechanical or non-it filed this video is best suitable for you. Basic and essential points are covered in this Augmented Reality course.

We are going to provide a required scripts in which all include all Augmented Reality codes which we are shown in video. Feel free to make practice in Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality | AR foundation | AR SDK | Unity Log viewer

Course contains:-

Augmented Reality Course contains:-

  1. Introduction of Augmented Reality .

  2. Ground plane detection Using AR Foundation.

  3. Image Tracking Using AR Foundation.

  4. AR Occlusion.

  5. Unity Log viewer Android debugger.

  6. VUFORIAImage target.

  7. VUFORIAGround plane tracking.

  8. VUFORIAmodel tracking.

This tutorial related with following below points:

VUFORIAimage target tutorial sales

  1. VUFORIAimage tracking

  1. AR image target example

  1. VUFORIA image tracking unity

  1. VUFORIA image target astronaut

unity VUFORIA image target tutorial

  1. VUFORIA multi image target

  1. VUFORIA multiple image targets

  1. VUFORIA unity tutorial


  1. VUFORIA tutorial

  1. VUFORIA unity

  1. VUFORIA studio

create augmented reality app unity

create augmented reality app using VUFORIA in unity

augmented reality

augmented reality video

augmented reality tutorial

augmented reality projects

augmented reality vs virtual real

augmented reality app

augmented reality in education

augmented reality examples

augmented transition network in artificial intelligence

augmented matrix Hindi


Taught by

Ganesh Kadam

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