Learn Adobe Illustrator in One Hour!

Offered By: Udemy


Adobe Illustrator Courses Graphic Design Courses Digital Art Courses Vector Art Courses Logo Design Courses Shape Builder Tool Courses

Course Description


Getting comfortable with Adobe Illustrator is quick and easy. I will show you how to get up and running in not time.

What you'll learn:
  • Edit and create beautiful logos.
  • Understand how vector art is created

Adobe Illustrator is one of the most powerful vector-based programs in the world. It is the industry standard for creating beautiful logos, packaging design, artwork and more recently website layouts.

I have been using Illustrator for over 15 years and I designed this class to focus only on the specific things you need to learn to get up and running with Illustrator quickly. Within the first few classes you will already have what you need to open Illustrator and start working.

This isn't going to be one of those boring classes where we walk through every single tool and your mind starts to drift. There are plenty of classes out there that will show you every bell and whistle included with Illustrator. But let's be honest, nobody needs to know everything to be a professional graphic designer. Some of the most successful designers I know only use about 25% of the program's full potential. The key to becoming a graphic designer is to learn how to effectively use the tools to bring your vision to life.

Do I need to know how to draw to use Illustrator?

No! I am a mediocre artist at best. Of course it doesn't hurt to be able to draw, but most of the graphic designers I know are bad to terrible artists.

Some of the things we cover:

  • The Most Important Parts of Illustrator.
  • Creating shapes
  • Ways to create complex shapes with the Shape Builder tool.
  • Stokes and fills
  • Practical use of effects and the appearance panel.

I know it is frustrating to try and learn a new program, and my goal is to show you exactly what you need. We won't waste time on tools and parts of Illustrator you don't really need to know. Just like Photoshop, Illustrator is a program that has added lots of new tools. But in the process of adding things, it has also held onto a lot of the older tools that are now obsolete (like the Pathfinder tool).

I hope you will join me.

Taught by

Jason Buff

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مقدمة في التصميم الجرافيكي