Inter-Process Communication Courses

Introduction to Operating Systems
Georgia Institute of Technology via Udacity
Secure Software Development: Implementation
Linux Foundation via edX
Electron From Scratch: Build Desktop Apps With JavaScript
Chrome University
Google via YouTube
KARONTE - Detecting Insecure Multi-Binary Interactions in Embedded Firmware
IEEE via YouTube
Dissecting Rotten Apples - macOS Malware Analysis
nullcon via YouTube
Ring 0 to Ring -1 Exploitation with Hyper-V IPC
SyScan360 via YouTube
All About RPC, LRPC, ALPC, and LPC in Your PC
SyScan360 via YouTube
Exploiting Inter-Process Communication in SAP’s HTTP Server
Ekoparty Security Conference via YouTube
Unix Domain Socket - A Hidden Door Leading to Privilege Escalation in the Android Ecosystem
Black Hat via YouTube
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