Hibernate Basics Course (How To)
Offered By: Treehouse
Course Description
Most meaningful applications you will write will have a database associated with it. Knowing how to connect with and incorporate this data is critical to success as a Java developer. In this course, we'll cover how to connect a Java application to a database using what's called JDBC, or Java Database Connectivity. Then, we'll use the convenient approach of including an ORM, or Object Relational Mapper. This will allow us to interact with our data using object-oriented techniques instead of exclusively relying on hard-coded SQL. The ORM we will use is called Hibernate, and is one of the most popular ORMs available.
What you'll learn
- Using a database with Java
- Performing CRUD operations
- Connecting with JDBC
- Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
- Wrapping a database with Hibernate
Data Persistence & ORMs
During this stage, we'll start by practicing the basic SQL CRUD operations in a SQL Playground. Then, we'll use workspaces to connect a Java application to a SQLite database using JDBC, or Java Database Connectivity. Finally, in an attempt to map Java objects to database tables, we'll build a case for incorporating the all-inclusive solution of an Object Relational Mapper such as Hibernate.
Chevron 9 steps-
Course Introduction
Introduction to Data Persistence
Review of DB Concepts
3 questions
Review of SQL
SQL Review
5 questions
Using Java to Connect to a Database
Using JDBC to Connect to a Database
2 objectives
Save a Java Object to a Database
The Case for Object-Relational Mapping
Getting Started with Hibernate
After stretching our database and SQL muscles, we're now ready to incorporate an Object Relational Mapper, or ORM. In this stage, we'll configure our Java application to work with Hibernate. To instruct Hibernate as to how we wish to map our POJOs/entities to database tables and columns, we'll employ JPA annotations.
Chevron 10 steps-
Intro to Hibernate
Hibernate Sessions
2 questions
Configuring a Project to Use Hibernate
Create a Hibernate Configuration File
2 objectives
Adding a POJO with JPA Annotations
Adding JPA Annotations to an Entity
2 objectives
Building a Hibernate SessionFactory
The Builder Design Pattern
The Builder Design Pattern
1 question
Using the Builder Pattern
1 objective
Persisting Data with Hibernate
Now that we have our application configured to use Hibernate, it's time to see how all the CRUD operations are performed using Hibernate. During this stage, we'll see how to write the code for actually creating, reading, updating and deleting entity objects with the Hibernate SessionFactory.
Chevron 8 steps-
Saving Data with Hibernate
Persisting an Entity with Hibernate
1 question
Saving an Entity with Hibernate
1 objective
Fetching Data with Hibernate
Fetching an Entity List with Hibernate
1 question
Retrieving Data with Hibernate
2 objectives
Updating and Deleting Entities
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