Virasoro Algebra Courses

Exactly Solvable 2D Conformal Field Theory - Lecture 4 Part 2
IPhT-TV via YouTube
Exactly Solvable 2D Conformal Field Theory - Lecture 1 of 6
IPhT-TV via YouTube
Bethe Ansatz in 2D Conformal Field Theory
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) via YouTube
Bethe Equations and 2D Conformal Field Theory
Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar via YouTube
Entanglement Resolution and Boundary Conformal Field Theory
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS via YouTube
Exactly Solvable 2D Conformal Field Theory - Lecture 1: The Virasoro Algebra and Its Representations
IPhT-TV via YouTube
Universality and Conformal Invariance in Critical Percolation Models
Centre de recherches mathématiques - CRM via YouTube
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