Quantum Tunneling Courses

Quantum Biology - The Hidden Nature of Nature
World Science Festival via YouTube
Neutron Stars and Black Holes - Lecture 1: Diffuse Stars
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
The Quantum Barrier Potential Part 2 - Defining the Transmission and Reflection Coefficients
Professor Dave Explains via YouTube
The Quantum Barrier Potential - Quantum Tunneling
Professor Dave Explains via YouTube
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
The University of British Columbia via edX
The Absurdity of Quantum Mechanics at Large Scales
Arvin Ash via YouTube
Exact Instanton Transseries for Quantum Mechanics
Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Ion Implantation, Thermal Oxidation, and Atomic Layer Deposition - Lecture 7
nanohubtechtalks via YouTube
Properties of Nanomaterials - Introduction to Nanotechnology
nanohubtechtalks via YouTube
NAST: Nonadiabatic Statistical Theory Package for Predicting Kinetics of Spin-Dependent Processes
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
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