OSDI (Operating Systems Design and Implementation) Courses
USENIX via YouTube PET - Optimizing Tensor Programs with Partially Equivalent Transformations and Automated Corrections
USENIX via YouTube Rearchitecting Linux Storage Stack for µs Latency and High Throughput
USENIX via YouTube Scalable Memory Protection in the PENGLAI Enclave
USENIX via YouTube MAGE - Nearly Zero-Cost Virtual Memory for Secure Computation
USENIX via YouTube The nanoPU - A Nanosecond Network Stack for Datacenters
USENIX via YouTube Privacy Budget Scheduling
USENIX via YouTube Pollux - Co-adaptive Cluster Scheduling for Goodput-Optimized Deep Learning
USENIX via YouTube Finding Consensus Bugs in Ethereum via Multi-transaction Differential Fuzzing
USENIX via YouTube Distributed Deep Graph Learning at Scale
USENIX via YouTube