OSDI (Operating Systems Design and Implementation) Courses
USENIX via YouTube MemLiner - Lining up Tracing and Application for a Far-Memory-Friendly Runtime
USENIX via YouTube Owl - Scale and Flexibility in Distribution of Hot Content
USENIX via YouTube Unity - Accelerating DNN Training Through Joint Optimization of Algebraic Transformations and Parallelization
USENIX via YouTube Metastable Failures in the Wild
USENIX via YouTube KSplit - Automating Device Driver Isolation
USENIX via YouTube ROLLER - Fast and Efficient Tensor Compilation for Deep Learning
USENIX via YouTube Verifying Hardware Security Modules with Information-Preserving Refinement
USENIX via YouTube Addra - Metadata-Private Voice Communication Over Fully Untrusted Infrastructure
USENIX via YouTube Beyond Malloc Efficiency to Fleet Efficiency - A Hugepage-Aware Memory Allocator
USENIX via YouTube